What is est exam?

EST exam

The Egyptian scholastic test EST is a test for Egyptian students in the American education system in Egypt. It is a test equivalent to the SAT or ACT tests for admission to Egyptian higher education universities. The EST includes EST I and EST II. EST I assesses students’ level of reading, writing, and mathematics. The required skills enable American diploma students to apply to Egyptian universitiesWhile EST II is required by certain colleges specifically the Colleges of Medicine and Engineering. EST II subjects are Mathematics II, Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Since it is a new exam, links to the EST past exam papers will be placed below.

Students who want to see the est past exam papers for both EST 1,2 can see the two links below

EST I exam pdf

(Math – English)

EST II exam pdf

(Biology– Math 1 and Math 2 – Chemistry – Physics)

The rest of the article will focus on the EST II

EST II measures basic scientific knowledge, scientific reasoning, and high-level thinking skills. This proves the capabilities of the student to pursue education in specific disciplines related to engineering, science and medicine. The choice of subjects depends on the disciplines to which the student wishes to apply.

For the faculties of medicine, pharmacy and nursing, the required subjects are two subjects
One of the following: (Math1- Physics – Chemistry – Math2) +
For engineering faculties, the required subjects are two
One of the following: (Physics – Chemistry – Biology
) +

All exams are 60 min and MCQ

Math1: 50 questions (a graphing or scientific calculator is allowed for the second part of the exam)
Math2: 50 questions
biology: 80 questions
Physics: 75 questions (calculator not allowed)
Chemistry: 85 questions

For admission to public universities:

It is possible to apply with EST I, according to the ministry’s website, with a score of no less than 1050 (on a scale of 400-1600)
It is possible to apply for EST II, according to the Ministry’s website, with a score of no less than 1100 (for two subjects on a scale of 400-1600)
Results are usually released within two weeks of the exam. Unofficial results are emailed to students

The cost of the exam for any subject is 1600 EGP

One response to “What is est exam?”

  1. joud Avatar

    Is there no chance for the EST managers to increase the time a little more? especially for biology

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